"Well, sorry I missed it pal, I was on day-leave, *belch* went down to the beach and caught me some fine... fish. Anyways, where do I get those Guard epaulettes, they look like the final touch to ye olde ensemble. Plus, I shoulda got mine first, by the rights, 'cause the h-fuel vendors never got their paws on me."
Grinning widely, he shoves another handfull of cashews into his mouth and plunks his feet on the table
"Drinks on you, eh? Well, I think another scotch is in order. Faugh, I'm going slow tonite, this is only the eighth!"
Skipping the glasses entirely, he seizes the bottle and guides it towards the refuelling port, pausing to issue the starting phrase of a well known tale.
"Say, 'ave I ever told you 'bout the time me'n Five stared down those Brotherhood punks outside 'a Cambridge?"