started out the day by undocking from Planet Houston. A vessel flew past me and i scanned the hold. he had several civilian pilots. The vessel was a Corsair b0omber with a Corsair identification card, but the IFF emitter was showing me Orbital spa and cruise. the vessel stopped after a short pursuit. then engaged a cloaking device, i lost it after that. dashcam:
Second event was:
I was on my way to Colorado system when i stopped a trader, freelancer ID'd, and scanned his cargo. The subject was carrying 997 units of counterfeit software, i demanded he drop the cargo and pay a fine. he then laughed at me and opened fire. taking my hull down to 45% before i could launch nanobots and my shield batteries. i quickly began to engage the target, my weapons were of little use to the shields of the transport. i called for any back in system and gave permission to destroy the vessels hold of contraband. after a prolonged chance,. i gave up the pursuit as the back that had arrived disbanded.
I am also entering this trade vessel [Tickian]in the fugitive list for attempted murder. Discharge of weapons in commercial space. Felony fleeing, and causing mass panic near Fort Bush and Norfolk shipyard
Scanners report:
Third Event:
Myself and the new recruit Henry Murdock were just arriving to Fort Bush to enjoy a lunch in Sunbucks cafe when Fort Bush order a general alert./ the station opened fire on a Corsair ID'd, IFF emitting, Kusari fighter. with Britonian police pilots in it's hold. I ordered the vessel to halt, witch it did, and to hand over it's captives. I did not respond and then it took off. i fired a Cruise disrupter at the vessel and gave to order to arrest the corsair by force. After a short and very brief battle, the subjects vessel crumbled under our weaponfire and launched his life pod. i tractored it in, along with the Britonian officials and returned to Fort Bush