"Exchange of information is a tricky subject, I'm not authorized to make any deals of that sort with hostile groups, and the High Command is, as always, quite skeptical of the actions of the Liberty Navy and Security Forces. We know some of what goes on in Alaska, and not much of that is agreed with."
"I think we can all agree that the Nomads have lead to several technological breakthroughs, and continue to do so. Information gleaned from the reverse engineering of Nomad technology and organisms has been, and will continue to be, quite beneficial for humanity as a whole. The issue, however, is that most of humanity is not ready to use that technology responsibly. Too many organizations within Sirius continue to fight wars of greed against one another."
"People need to realize that there are greater threats at hand than what they immediately perceive, and until that happens... nobody is responsible enough to wield the power we've seen used by alien craft. I think you will agree that we cant go about giving raging children nuclear weapons, metaphorically speaking."
"Not everyone in The Order shares my views, but personally I do not think it is at all productive for us to fight against Liberty, or the Bounty Hunter's Guild. Both of these groups have attacked us first and foremost, and our 'wars' are being fought in defense. I think it is a waste of our resources to continually struggle against such enemies, when the true goal is to fight off Alien species which threaten all of Humanity, all of Sirius."
"Any truce we can come to will be nothing but beneficial to both of us. Even if we can only agree to a ceasefire between our craft, that is something to look forward to. However, just as the LSF and Navy have their secrets in Alaska, so do we have our own, and until we deem you ready to learn those secrets... they will be guarded. Do not expect an exchange of technology or vital information about our security, I'm not going to jump headfirst into an allegiance that can be used against me, or the Order itself."