Name: Buff Howards
Date of birth: 20.12. 773
Place of birth: Freeport 4
Nationality: Moved to New London in 778 and accepted Bretonian nationality
Family Background: Father worked for IMG until he disappeared in 790. His destiny is unknown. Mother unemployed, after father's disappear she started working in clothing industry. Now she is retired, living in Sheffield district.
Fitness: Withnout problems, smoker
Height: 6'2'
Vision: Withnout problems
Injuries/Illness: Right leg limping after injury by malfuctioning automatic doors
Previous occupation(s):
Weapons operating personnel on Trade vessel
Freelancing bounty hunter for different corporations
Worked for different paramilitary organisations
Combat experience:
Self defense fights against pirates
Hunting of criminals and people with bounty on
Describe briefly why you wish to serve in the Armed Forces:
I believe that my destiny is to be tool of war, but individual cant be effective withnout organisation. So I want to be part of most effective organisation I know.
List 5 aspects of your character that you believe make you suitable for this job:
Loayality to Crown
Some combat experience already
Steady under fire
Able to listen orders
In love with flying in space