Elnire grabs a sheet and runs over to a side desk, not wasting any time he fills it in and promtly marches back placing the sheet with a determined grin on the officers desk. It read as follows;
Name:Elnire BlueBlade
Date of birth: 26/06/790
Place of birth: New London, Kent
Nationality: Bretonian
Family Background: Father ran an indipendant trading company, containing three ships, mother died at birth.
Fitness: Lightweight and nimble, an avid fencer and duelist with close combat weapons.
Height: 5'11"
Vision: 20/20
Injuries/Illness: none
Previous occupation(s): Captain of a trade vessel, firefly class, then commander of 3 vessels in a trading organisation. Commanding crew and directing vessels.
Combat experience: Plenty of run-ins with corsairs and gaians, from simple pirating to staged assults on all three vessels. hand to hand combat with blades along with combat commanding from the bridge of long hauledge vessels.
Describe briefly why you wish to serve in the Armed Forces:For the queen, for London and to show that theres nothing more powerful than the bride of a bretonian with a cup of tea.
List 5 aspects of your character that you beleive make you suitable for this job:
1] Pride, honour and an extreme willingness to perform his duty for Bretonia.
2] Experiance in piloting and commanding large vessels and smaller fighter craft.
3] A wilingless to learn any new skills and obey orders without question.
4] A familiarity with the laws on shipping items and contraband in bretonia.|
5] Makes a Pukka cup of tea