The serious problem we have been facing is that Fighters as escorts are not effective. Now please let's truly look at this, I want to help. Fighter's are not capable of doiung their role as escort well enough because they are not able to take down the the bombers fast enough. I've played here for a long time and I have a long reputation as being a dedicated Fighter and Bomber pilot and I have become very good at both in a span of over a year. A Fighter cannot chew apart Bomber fast enough to keep the bomber from blowing up their intended target (I'm ignoring the bomber's insta kill ability when in the hands of a pilot capable, I am one of those as is most GMG|, it's ignored because the target of the bomber is not the Fighter). I don't want to get into the target itself, yes some are easier than others but really it is obvious a Fighter can't bring enough firepower to to be an effective escort against bombers as well as......
Now to another very inporatant observation: This applies to Fighter being able to blow up a fighter using an MR. Countless times I have been in group with other escorts and have tried to fend off fighters atacking the transport, no bombers. I find myself taking a long time fighting just one other fighter if that other fighter is also skilled. No way can I defeat a skilled VHF in time before he himself can take down a transport. A Fighter doesn't have the fire power to be an effective escort against fighers.....
It is not a solution to nerf bomber's in any way. If they are too agile for escorts to kil than so are Fighters. What the problem is is that the escorts don't have enough firepower to effective at their job. The Guns of the escorts need to be buffed. This way the escort can chew through the hull of their target, who is NOT targeting the fighter (for instakil or whatever), but the target that the escorts are protecting and resulting in a likely chance that the escort will destroy the assaulter for making the mistake of ignoring the escort.
Now NOTE: The Escort may be either fighter or bomber, let them both continue to carry the same class of forward weapons but let's buff those weapons so that those who ignore the escorts carrying them will be punished severely, if they don't ignore them than we can break it down from that point there and look at how escort groups (mixed ships) compare to escort groups.