Ugh. Cloaks. I don't know why everyone shakes in their boots over the word cloak. Really if you put it inside of a ship as something that cannot be taken off then it poses little *real* threat other than scaring the crap out of unsuspecting people. Furthermore, if placed on a small ship, like a light fighter, a ship for recon purposes. It poses really no threat to anyone, other than recon.
So let's see...
Recon Ship -
Light Fighter Class(or even better, recon class with LF stats)
Only 3x class 5 or 6 Guns (So NPCs can't have their way with you)
CM (So it can run away)
And let's see. Priced around 50mil per ship?
But oh no... It would cause utter chaos to have something so non-threatening!!!!
Tekagis Treasure has about 15 ships with cloaks built into them. And let me tell you from personal experience on almost everyone of those ships. You really can't do much of anything but sneak around on people. As soon as you uncloak you are already vulnerable and open to be shot without being able to pose a threat and shoot back for at least 5 seconds. And if that isn't enough, once you do finally decloak you are left with only 2 or 3 weapons and maybe a torp or cd if you are lucky and they are only class 8's at the most and for that mod a class 8 sucks. Especially if you are trying to shoot something with a uber shield and armor you are totally SOL.
Sorry, I had to rant that. It's so silly and childish that we can't have cloaks on something cool like a harmless Recon LF.
"Abstinence of the Heart; Sever Your Emotion Like A Defective Circuit..."