I have personally crossed paths with this infamoous pirate, Tellicaster. From my humble experience as a pilot in our glorious Imperial Navy, I am forced to admit his skills are not worthy of the title of 'Infalmous', I would say more like 'Child Car Thief Stuck in Fighter'. His controls are jerkier than my own, and I am fresh out of the Academy on New Tokyo. He has no control over his mine usage and poor to fair; at best, fire control. He is over all an uder average pilot that has no understanding of the honor combat is due. The next time I cross his path, even if he is with his little friend, the 'Buzz in my Ear', I will destroy his ship, and try to tractor in his escape pod, as he is not a hard bug to swat. Only the under equipped condition of my fighter made it possible for him and his tick of a friend to draw any blood. I am shamed to say that under the fire of both ships, I was overtaken and sent scurrying in my pod for shelter, and a new ship.
Now new ship aquired and armed, almost as I wish it to be, I will find these interlopers and dispose of them like the refuse they are in Kusari Space. Maybe then, the Rebels in the north will understand the futility of their toils and find less disruptive things to do with thier time. Upon the retrieval of the said escape pod, I will deliver it for Re-Entry Indoctrination with the Department of the Interior.