What do we want: TWO faction logos.
PSD - all layers before merge and flatten.
1:The Bounty Hunters Guild.
Something classic, striking and definitive. Former criminals. Founded on Houston but Sirius wide. Use jump holes. Kill criminals. You get the idea. Use our ship line for inspiration if you want. Just make it something that we will be proud to have.
2:The Guild Core.
Elite within the Guild. War with Order. Looking for nomad tech. We kind of rp them as very serious, almost fanatical, members of quasi-religious brotherhood. Kind of Masonic/Templars - ish....
As for a motto:
"To hunt a criminal, one must think like a criminal."
"Confine, Contain, Control"
or in latin: Coarto , Postulo , Tempero
We want something suggestive of a militaristic secret organisation for the Core.
This will go on the faction status page and in faction threads. Also on communication threads.
A sigbar for each of the Guild and Core, with space for member names that we can add, so we'll need the font as well as the psd document.
Payment: 50 mil upwards for EACH, depending on how much we like it.
Edit: we also need a logo for our Sea Serpent flying light fighter wing, known as the Serpent Wing (or 22nd - the two S's look like two 2's - geddit?). Something very Texan/Libertyish. Think redneck. Think pickup truck with shotguns. Thing Dog the Bounty Hunter.