On todays shift, i've been patrolling New York as a LSF agent informed me about a smuggler beeing escorted by two Outcasts.
Patrolling the lanes to the Pennsylvania gate, i noticed the smuggler, but far out in the Badlands. There were also the two Outcast Fighters with the Navy already behind them. As they went deeper into the Badlands, and i'm not to fly that deep into them, i resumed normal patrol status.
I then got told to move 20 klicks up above Newark in order to intercept the Outcasts. That failed at first place.
However, i've been finally able to successfully intercept one of the Outcasts in Colorado.
There the ship of him got destroyed.
Mc Neil Island, i was informed that in my cargo bay there would be some slaves, as well as a technological piece called 'Onyx'. The slaves have been brought to Attica, while i now sit here on Police Plaza and wondering what to do with the 'Onyx'. I heard weapon dealers might buy it.