The heavily scarred Brackenbury was sitting at a table when Kerrigan walked in. Looking around, the latter spotted his friend, and moved over to that table. "How's it going, Edmund?" Kerrigan asked as he looked at Brackenbury, who looked more or less dreadful.
"Not too good," Brackenbury said, "I've been trying to negotiate with half of the corporations and militaries in Sirius trying to get my crew on good terms with the guard. It's not working too well."
"I can see that," Kerrigan responded. "Don't worry, I didn't have such a great day today either."
"Why, what happened?"
"I lost five patients in the ICU in under two hours. I was so pissed that I've got the entire medical academy cleaning and investigating the ICU wards."
"Okay, so your bad day beats mine. After all, I did kill two hugenots in a defense action in Cambridge today. Wasn't a bad fight, but they kind of came in underhanded. Most pirates do." Kerrigan looked at him when Brackenbury mentioned the hugenots.
"What are hugenots?" he said. It was Brackenbury's turn to look at him in a funny way.
"Did you not go to the military academy with me or something now, Jeff."
"Hey, that was a while back, I'll say they're new and accept it with that," Kerrigan turned around and signaled for Joanne as she walked by him. He ordered an Irish cream for him, and a stout for Brackenbury.
"To bad days," Brackenbury said upon getting his stout.
"To bad days."
Retired A very big thanks to Dark Oddity who put my signature pic together