You can do missions for LSF with any reputation you have with them, you do not have to be friendly with them to do missions for them.
And you can not have Zoner LSF Guard, you will not be able to fly a Liberty Assault Battlecruiser with a Zoner Guard ID.
And may I suggest going to a different part of Sirius instead? Maybe Bretonia or Kusari, they could use some more capital ships right now.
Edit: 1,750th post:yahoo:
[17:45:39] Wolfs Ghost (Murphy): Tom, you have problems. Go kill yourself.
[19:25:12] Johnny (Jam): Tomtom, I will beat you with a spoon.
[14:22:56] Prarabdh Thakur: KILL HIM WITH A SHEEP.
[17:40:48] Eagle (Junes): Tom should be slapped with a spoon.
[11:32:18] Warspite: Thank you for being so awesome Tom. <3
[18:17:36] Metano: I love you tomtom
[20:06:24] Warspite: I will seriously give you epic head.
' Wrote:Edit: also, Tomtomrawr, fappin' like a boss.