A tall, brick of a man with a face like a rusty sledgehammer struts in to the office, dark curls flowing over his shoulders.
"I hear you fellas are looking for some recruits to help deal with these Kusari dogs" he growls, slapping an application onto the desk. As he pauses, black eyes seem to absorb any light that dares to approach them.
"Sign me up."
Quote:Name: Derek Winterman
Date of birth: 791 AS
Place of birth: Newcastle
Nationality: Bretonian
Family Background: Unknown
Fitness: Average
Height: 6'4"
Vision: Excellent
Injuries/Illness: Smoker's cough
Previous occupation(s): Mercenary
Combat experience: Fighters, Bombers, Gunships, Transports, I've flown 'em all and I've killed with 'em all. Put me in a cockpit an' put a target in my hands and you can relax and have brew, because you've got nothin' left to worry about.
Describe briefly why you wish to serve in the Armed Forces: I've seen my fair share of violence and bloodshed, families destroyed, unimaginable cruelty visited upon man for no reason better than a few thousand credits this way or that. I've been responsible for it. With the Mollies giving my bloodline a bad name and the Kusari at the door, it's time to turn my talents to something worthwhile, something I can be proud of. I've a debt to pay to society.
List 5 aspects of your character that you believe make you suitable for this job: