Dr. Jeff Kerrigan looked around as Brackenbury entered the bar. The latter looked fit to wring the weakest person's neck in the room, but as expected, he turned towards the bar and ordered a drink. Following downing an entire pint in less than ten seconds, Brackenbury turned away from the bar and walked towards Kerrigan. Kerrigan, who was sipping thoughtfully on some Irish cream looked up to greet his friend. "What's up with you, Edmund?"
"Apparently nothing," Brackenbury said scowling, "just tried for an entire week trying to fill out paperwork and the guard still doesn't want me."
"Well, I guess you'll be asking for my help at some point, and trust me, I'm not very well versed on these things. You'll have get some help from someone else."
"I thought you'd say that," Brackenbury replied, "now I just need some more to drink-- is that a new member to this bar over there?" Kerrigan turned around.
"Why so it is. Let's not be rude, shall we introduce ourselves?"
"Let's go for it." The two got up from their table and walked over to the new man. "How are you doing there?" Kerrigan asked.
The new man turned around, "very well, thank you."
"Excellent, I've never seen you around here. You new?"
"Sure am," the former said "Name is Tristan Eden, you guys need anything?"
"Nothing much. I'm Jeff, and this here is my friend Edmund," Kerrigan said gesturing to Brackenbury. "We usually make an attempt to get to know all of the new people around here. I'd buy you a drink but you'd probably just get a lecture of all of the adverse effects of alcohol from me. Brackenbury will get them, I'm sure." As Brackenbury was about to toss in some credit chips some of the Beta squad members and others walked in. Brackenbury didn't care, it seemed, especially after he through in some chips for all of them.
Retired A very big thanks to Dark Oddity who put my signature pic together