As the robotic nexus was switched online he knew he was incomplete Men in white overalls with SCRA printed on their uniforms inspected him
"Who am I" the Android asked, a man seeped into the androids view and said " you are Android Black Venom" and then walked away. Another one of them shouted "Staring Nexus memory Download he pressed a switch then there was a soft hum.*Memory Download complete* *beep beep beep!* Android Black Venom asked "Why Venom he dont want to be named after poison" A black skinned man who seemed to be in charge exclaimed because you will be part of the mixture, that will corrupt the alliance one way or another. Oh and by the way you can remember me as the Commissar"
A nearby computer groaned"
Android black always remember these words. You were born to kill and live to serve these words are the android divisions motto". "Now commence the connection!" Machines whirred into life Android black felt his Nexus being connected to body parts like the hands and feet he felt alive.
***five hours later***
As the Android reluctantly strolled into the briefing room he was amazed to see so many androids and cyborgs much like himself.
Right robots Im the commissar and you are my servants, you are part of the coalition you were all constructed to kill the alliance A golden and silver robot from the back said who are the alliance? they are our sole enemys and have been for more than one hundred years, they are the same scum who now have many thousands of our troops in their torture chambers Replied the commissar.
Now all Cyborgs and android silvers purples and gold go through that exit a robot said pointing towards a pressurized door and all android blacks follow me! Android black walked through a small hatch and was surprised to find himself inside a gun boat and the captains chair had his name on it.
Im sure you know how to fly this so I will leave you to get acquainted with each other announced the robot as he hovered out of the ship. Another android walked up to him and said hi Im Android Black viper but you can call me viper whats your name?? He asked the captain.
My name is Android Black Venom but you will call me captain or sir are we clear???
Crystal replied Viper
Oh and them two are Vice and Virus he said pointing at the other two who were in a deep conversation Im the weapons and engines master them two well they just mind their own business.
Get this ship up and running weve just received transmission that an elite squadron of alliance ships are attacking the Pluto planetary mining station, we need to take them out permanently Venom ordered Aye aye Sir!! They all replied with vigor releasing docking clamps shouted Virus there was a loud hiss as the docking clamps de-pressurized and the mighty gun boat lumbered out of the docking bay towards the Pluto planetary mining station. The hyper space engines roared into life and Blasted off into the Pluto section
As the ship came out of hyper space and turned the impulse up to full Virus Venom Viper and Vice could not believe what they saw the robust mining station was crumbling to dust in the Pluto debris field and seven alliance bombers firing there antimatter torpedoes at the remains of the station.
Lock all missiles on bombers one six and four! Commanded Venom
Affirmative sir pay loads locked on
Fire on my command Viper
Aye aye captain
Ready the particle cannons and prepare to fire on the remaining four on my command! said Venom
Err sir I think theyve found us groaned Vice. As the bombers changed course and charged towards the gunboat. Fire! screamed Venom. Fiery projectiles and lasers flew in every direction two of the fired missiles missed the other bombers werent so lucky. After a few consecutive bangs only two bombers remained. The ship rumbled and quaked as the bombers payloads hit!
Status report ordered Venom
Half hull no shields sir
Super charge those batteries and get the nano bots on the job
***warning incoming torpedo***
Launch anti missile lasers
Two blinding white lasers came from the ship and destroyed the incoming torpedos now finish this said Venom
roger sir BANG as two the gunboats missiles hit the bombers the last sound they heard from the bombers was the pilots screams just before they blew up..
***three months later***
Android Black Venom woke with a start his LED eyes flicked on the was a loud noise he realized it was an alarm.
All pilots to their ships repeat all pilots to their ships! This is an emergency! ***Batteries at 75% sir Black***
Venom "that'll have to do"
He raced towards his gun boat finding his three cybernetic counter parts already waiting for him captain on deck! Virus exclaimed "at ease Replied Venom get this ship up and running quickly aye aye sir!they replied sternly as the Storm class gunboat whirred into life and lumbered out of the docking bay it was hit by a huge mass of anti-matter weaponry. Then all hell broke loose.. Alliance ships uncloaked and fired upon the coalition station explosions were everywhere the sound of razors and mortars flying in every direction the beams of tachyon and plasma were seemingly endless!!!
***Batteries at 40% warned Venoms internal computer***
"What the hell was that Screamed Venom
Battle Razor sir theyve taken out our shield exclaimed Vice
Launch all missiles
Firing sir
They flew in every direction killing alliance light fighters left and right. Suddenly something inside Venoms interior nexus clicked like a long forgotten memory then he said take this ship to the alliance launch site in the Jupiter section
"Sir?"Questioned Viper
Take us there now! Are we clear??? Crystal replied Viper engaging hyper space in t-minus 10 seconds 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0 the engines roared into life and the ship blasted off
***a few minutes later***
Seven or eight massive ships blasted off into space
Prepare to board the Liberty
Android black commanded Sir??" Viper asked. Next time you question my commands you will find several holes BURNED in to your head am I clear? Crystal replied Viper launching shoot prepare to board *beep boarding shoot opened you may now board the vessel*..........Inside the sleeper ship a human might say it was creepy but such things did not affect Android Black he raced towards the bridge passing hundreds of dormant humans in stasis. ***Batteries at 10%***
dam thats not good ***incoming transmission***
"sir what are your orders??"*** go help the rest of the coalition back home
what about you sir?
Dont worry about me and thats an order are we clear?
Viper grinned Crystal sir
"Hey a coalition husk two guards said as they were on their way to their sleeper pods shoot him in the back one said. The fearless android tried to move out the way even though he was quick the lasers were faster they hit him square in his battery Android black felt a searing pain in his back ***battery energy at 0% shutting down*** He tried to scream but nothing came his vision was surrounded by the blackness of nothing.....nothing ...........nothing
***Approximately 800 years later***
His vision came back he was floating in a debris field *** hibernation complete, solar panels activated batteries charging*** a soft hum came from nowhere as a rusty ship of Junker origin came into view. It used its tractor beam to bring him on board the shoddily designed ship. A man came into vision and said Hello scrap pile my name John as he pointed at the pilot you understand? He said this in a dumb way as to improvise that he was superior. Android black jumped to his feet and grabbed the pathetic Junker by his neck and lifted him off the ground.
Where am I worthless creature?
He choked agh you are *cough* in liberty
Where is the collation?
Hopefully in hell robot
.Android black roared and said that was your last mistake he tightened his grip and then let go John crumpled to the floor. He found a sharp piece of scrap in the ships cargo hold and used it to stab Mark through the chair! And as Mark drew his last breath Android black remembered who he was. Part of the coalition born to kill live to serve.
He is now in possession of a stolen Zoner gunboat trying to exploit weakness in the alliance houses. but his life is not the same he needed to find them fast
All ways seeking to find among the stars a coalition base he can call home.