Personaly I think that fleeing needs to be dropped from the 4 hour rule altogether.
If you die, the 4 hour rule simulates your 'out of space' period where you are shipless. If you flee you havent lost anything, your still in a ship that survived a fight.
Its up to you to decide if returning to the place where your opponents are trying to track you down is a good idea or not.
The fleeing rule also removes some valid and interesting tactics. For example : The LN and the RM are facing off in Texas, The bulk of the LN fleet are in Texas on the other side of the gate to Hudson. the RM are Outside the freeport. the LN send out a Cruiser and 2 fighters through the gate and down the lanes to the freeport where they are spotted by the RM fleet. The LN Cruiser and fighters FLEE back down the lane to the gate. the RM send a handfull of bombers and fighters to catch them. At this point the rest of the LN dropps though the gate and ambushes the RM fighters/Bombers. Weakening thier attckers before the fight.
If the RM fighters flee they cannot join the bigger battle later despite still being alive.
The Flee rule might stop pilots from swooping into a fight and then flying away when they get hurt to dock and regen then come back to the fight.
Prehaps I was too hasty, thinking about it prehaps the flee rule should be removed for Fighters/Bombers only? Cap ships have the ability to survive a longer fight and flee back to a base to repair and come back. In RP, cap ship repairs would take a lot longer and a captain would not wade back into a fight they were loosing.
Fighters on the otherhand would take less time to fix up and there is also the possibility of having spare ships in the base to use etc.
The effective way to keep Fighters/Bombers away would be to kill them, chase them away or defend the location they fled from to stop them returning.
(tl;dr amirite?)
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