From: FreeLancer, Jonhs_Kitsune
To: Samura Heavy Industries
Subject: I wanna Help my Country in a Pacific Way
**Opening Message**
Hello Sir,
I'm Wishing to Join Samura Heavy Industries at the Mining Division.
I want to Help my Birth Country Grow But I'm not a Fighter, I do Have Experience Fighting but I don't like it too Much, I want a Pacific way to help My Country Grow and i Know Samura is the Way to do it
I'm Currently Working as a Freelancer on Pennsylvania, Helped some miners and i got a taste to It getting the Minerals and Coming back to Tokyo to sell everything to my Country
I'm Piloting a "Drone - J20P - 21F Kusari Freighter" a Truly Wonderful Ship to do Any Job Mining or Transporting
My Past Vessels was:
"Rhino - EL-HiL27 Liberty Freighter" I Did some mining on the Clouds of Pennsylvania, engaged some Fights against unlawful Pilots and sold some of then to the Bounty Hunters, I know that we Need to Fire Back To Protect our goods or the crew in Bigger Ships
Starflier - CTE 750AE Civilian My Dad Bought it to me, i Did some Jobs in it to the Liberty Navy and Police, I was Flying this Ship When one of My Friends Showed me the Cloud Behind Pennsylvania and said that i Cold make a bunch of money Mining on them, I was amazed with the Money that i Cold do Mining, Soon i Had the Money to buy the Rhino and them made my Father Proud of me Showing him the Rhino.
Well.. i Have a Dream to Fly a "BumbleBee", to Make my Father even Prouder and to Have more Cargo Space to Help My Country!
I know, i know, you Might be Askin yourself why or how i get to Pennsylvania:
My Father was Working on Some Researches (on Jump Holes i think i Don't Remember well.. ) and my Mom was getting Crazy with him going to Systems so far away from Home.
Soon my Father decided to take us with Him, i was young and was amassed seeing the Space through the Ship Windows, Dad with his Researches made us Move to other planets and Systems a thousand of Times, that was a Very hard work to me because i Didn't had much time to end my Schools that i had to make many Tests aboard of a Ship with Teleconferences, i Had to Study for Myself for Much Time, I entered on Schools on Various Different Planets thats why i Can have Friends all around Sirius.
My father was a Close Friend to the Captain of the Battleship Missouri and the Captain helped me to get my Advanced Classes on Piloting Ships, When i Passed the Tests and got my Certificate My dad Bought me the StarFlier and told me to go Help Liberty for the Help with the Lessons and i did it, i Helped Liberty in a lot of Missions but i Felt that working to the Police or Navy wasn't my Destiny.
on one of the Last Missions that i Got with the Navy I Landed on Pennsylvania and I found a old School Friend on the Bar, he saw that I was a little Sad and them he said that Money wold made me Happier, what a Greed guy he is... well.. Ive got nothing to do, so I Followed Him to the Cloud Behind the Planet Pennsylvania and he Showed me How to Mine, i Had a little Ship and the Cargo hold got Full so fast that i Passed most of the Time Helping him Mine to Get his Cargo Full...
But, Soon i Cold Get a Ship with a bigger Cargo hold, we Started to Work together and someday he had the Idea to get Platinum to Sell and that is when i got Back to Home.
i Couldn't Believe that i was back to home, and it made my heart Beat faster when i Saw New Tokyo from the Space again, I Finally Found My Place that for so long was Forgotten into the Deep of my Soul.
a Flame Growed bigger inside me, a Feeling that i Needed to Help my Country, My Home, to grow!