We could just cede leadership and control of ALL Factions to Dab.
He'd have the trains running on time in a heartbeat.
Right, Dabbo?
(Note: The above post was NOT a HarleyCo production, but does contain gratuitous irony.)
Mal's back. Oh, drek!
The low toned hum of the 'machine' turns into a high pitched whine...targetting lasers center mass on the torso of Malaclypse. With mechanistic precision and speed the machine lets loose with puff pasteries making a sickening 'whup whup whup' sound. The projectiles fly inches over Dab's left shoulder and find their target in mid sentence. The machine continues i'ts barrage, drawing from a magical hopper that never runs dry of sweet stickiness. Malaclypse's open mouth is filled first, then face. The pastries continue to pile up around him. In less than a minute all that one can see of Malaclypse is a hand sticking out of a pastry mound.
As suddenly as it began, the machine was back in standby mode. Evil looking red lazer turned off and indicator pulsing a pale green. Somewhere outside birds chirp. Yngen lets loose a fart. Everyone starts laughing and digs Mal out.