1984 and Animal Farm both are about roughly the same issue - Socialism/Communism combined with Authoritarianism - though quite different to read, aye. Without any doubt, both are very recommendable reads, and excellently suited for class presentations, too - just remember to analyze them thoroughly and to draw the parallels between characters in the books and historical personalities (Snowball - Trotsky, Frederick - Hitler, the Raven - the Church etc); there's a lot to be found in these books.
Bubbles Wrote:The way it is now?
Well, quite a few nations are slowly walking down the path to authoritarianism (again), usually for seemingly noble reasons. Australia wants to fight CP on the Internet - but do they take sites down? No, they create a Great Firewall of Australia, also blocking dissident's blogs. Europe wants to combat racism - what do they do? They introduce hate speech laws, which are even worse. The USA - look at laws like the PATRIOT Act, which, while a good idea and definitely helpful in fighting terrorism (something I wish to remark that I fully support), are *very* open to abuse.