"So you have aided and abetted enemies of the state of Rhienland..."
"Objection, your honour," Templeman rose. "Doctor Tesh is a doctor, he has to treat any and all he comes into contact with, trying to besmirch his reputation on the grounds that he provided medical treatment to enemies of the state is... well frankly stupid, your honour..."
The judge banged the hammer, scowling. "Both of you had best start behaving, and stop turning my court room into some kind of Kindergarten! Objection sustained... Mister Prosecutor, you will kindly stay on focus with your questions. Mister Templeman, you will refrain from calling the prosecutor stupid..."
"Of course your honour," Templeman said. "There is never a need to state the obvious..."
The Prosecutor glared at him, seething, turning around his mouth worked, trying to remember his next question.
"Have.. have you ever..." he coughed. "Your honour... a moment..."
He returned to his table and picked up a glass of water. Templeman's tactic to throw him off of his game having worked.
He turned a moment later, "Doctor Tesh. Do you actually know the defendant well? Did you know him before he was a pirate? do you actually know anything about his personal situation? Mister Templeman makes the observation that being in an economic crisis is sufficient grounds to become a pirate... but by that logic, shouldn't we all be pirates? I mean, shouldn't we all claim poverty as a defense for murder, theft, and other crimes?"