"No further questions," the prosecutor sank into his chair, scowling.
"Mister Templeman?" The judge asked.
"Nothing further with this witness, your honour," Templeman rose, still holding his portfolio open. looking up over the rims of his glasses.
"Then you may step down, Doctor Tesh. Next witness, Mister Templeman?"
"Yes," Templeman said, setting the portfolio down. "Since this case is about the Naggar family, and the issue of his daughter. I'd like to call Doreen Naggar to the stand... with the court's indulgence, through the use of live holographic communications since she is with a newborn, unwell and unfit to travel."
The Judge nodded, "Of course. Also we should ensure plenty of intervals for Ms. Naggar to rest during testimony. I've been a mother three times, and let me tell you both," she rested her hands on the bench before her. "I will not tolerate either of you causing her any kind of stress. Am I clear, gentlemen?"
"Clear," the prosecutor snarled.
"Clear like that thin ice I'm skating on," Templeman flashed a smile. "The defense calls Doreen Naggar to the stand..." he turns as the lights dimmed and the holographic projectors whirred to life, creating the holographic vision of the missing daughter of Christian Naggar.