this is a suggestion for a revision of the zoner whale. - concept and shape will stay. - i have only adjusted its hull colour a little - and added a few more details as well as cleansed some bugs with the old mesh.
the ship is bulkier and rounder - it shows a little more hull than the current whale. - the problem with the current whale ( aside from a crash bug with the mesh ) is - that the bridge suggests a larger ship - and tht proportions don t really work.
i have adjusted the colousheme, too - so its in line with the revised zoner capital shipline ( capital ship = larger than freighter, not necessarily warship )
below i have listed the whole zoner fleet - so that you can compare the style of all the zoner ships supposed to be in - and how they fit together. ( all of them have been shown already before - but it might make sense to see them all in one thread to compare )
(revised zoner juggernaut)
(revised corvo cruiser)
(revised fearless)
i think its clear to see similarities. - major medium grey hull plating ( liner style ) in contrast with dark bland metal parts. - the corvo is a little different, cause its a civilian class ship - and the whale is a little brighter - cause its not meant to look intimidating either. but all the ships try to show a dark "spine" along with a grey "shell".