1. Turn on every mining field in Sirius. Why? So people do not just mine the same fields. Give them more choices and it spreads everything out and the pirates have to go looking for the miners. Also, make it so that whatever factions mining field is...well they are the only ones that would be able to get any order from mining. Let them be mined so you can fill 3 5k trains per hour. That includes the time it takes to deliver the ore.
2. Give more than one sell point. Why? So pirates do not camp the choke point or the lane just before you show up. Anyway, is it realistic that the only place that would want niobium is New Berlin? Or Narita being the only place for Silver or Platinum? I do not think so.
3. Make the sale price dependent upon the 1) type of ore and 2) the distance to sell point.
4. Make it ILLEGAL for the pirates to come after the miners ONLY when mining. Why? Because the pirates should have to work for their piracy. To many pirates look at the comms and see people in the KNOWN mining areas, log on, head to the minng area and take the ore. Come on learn to pirate. Hunt them down for cryin out loud.
5. Attach certain commodities to ID's. Gate lane parts to DSE and Ageira. Contraband items to smugglers and so on. Give them a bonus. Not credit wise, but the amount they are able to hold. Make it 1 for 1 and others would be something like 4 to 1. Why? Because it adds realism to the game. Should DHC be hauling Luxury food? Or Ageira hauling VIP's or other personnel? No. But they do so they can earn credits.
6. Place 4 high sell points in less travelled systems and 4 low buying sell points in the higher travelled systems in EACH HOUSE. That way people may actually go to Okinawa or stop in Manchester instead of them being pass thru systems. Does anyone go to Humbolt? Hmm....probably not.
If we want things to change we need to offer solutions and not just complain.