"Hrmf. Well, I suppose you might do. Never know though, maybe someone will shoot you by accident. Word to the wise, don't wear orange coveralls around here, never know who'll spot you."
As he spoke, two men in orange coveralls snuck past in the hall, carrying mop and bucket. Totenkopt jumped out of his chair, and fired a pair of shots at the maintenance crew.
"You! Surge-guy! Take this, and bloody fill it out." Tossing an application form at the startled recruit, Totenkopt raced after the orange coveralls. "Don't cock it up then!" He yelled over his shoulder, as he brought one of them down with a hit to the leg.
As blood spurted over the walls, Totenkopt laid into him with his boot.
"Purple bloody lights! What is so hard about that then? Why do you bother coming in if you're just going to cock things up?"
Jack Handey Wrote:I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.