Charlie sneered at the whelp he had the displeasure to sit beside... He was weak and powerless, in comparison, Charlie was well built, athletic and made sure to assert himself.
The lady in grey at the desk signalled to the pair, that one of them was ready to be seen. The small man moved to stand up, but Charlie was already there, pushing the small man forcefully back into his seat.
"Not a f***ing chance..." he sneered again, slightly amused by the pathetic little man, knocking on the Commissar's door.
He entered slowly, closing the door behind him, the Commissar was flipping through a stack of papers, unamused by his current assignment. His freehand hovered over a rather powerful looking revolver.
Charlie cleared his throat, straightening his stance and placing his hands behind his back.
"My name is Charles James Riley and I am twenty-nine years of age sir, I was born on Planet Denver in Liberty, I learned to fly by live-testing dangerous ships in my early twenties"
He paused a second, expecting a reaction, then continued
"I don't really care much about my house, nor it's corruption, what I do care about is it's people, and all of the people of Sirius for that matter. I assisted the Xeno Alliance in a few hit-and-run operations, but left Liberty to lose some heat"
He observed the Commissars blank stare, unsure whether he was going to be leaving through the Docking Bay, or the Airlock.
"I served with the Red Hessians for almost five years before I decided to return to Liberty, hadn't changed one bit, still the people suffer, and that pisses me off, quite alot actually... It would be an honour to fight and die for a better cause, sir"