By reading Xorias guideline on trading routes I can pick from a rather large number of in-rp routes for my corporation trader and they will all give me about 20 mil/hour (I believe, I don't actually count it).
I believe the most normal 4.84 routes had something like 20-50 mil per hour depending on whether the route was parked by BHG BCs or pirate swarm at the moment.
If say everyone makes 100 million per hour then people "need" to trade/mine much less, which again gives pirates less targets to pirate and lawfulls to protect.
In the extreme example all interaction will happen only as "pre-planned" stuff.
Trading/Mining ship in space is what keeps things alive. Swarms of ships above Crete/Malta/Manhattan chatting or pvp training before they go to attack someone don't.
So while I don't see a problem with say increasing profits by 20%, you should be careful what you wish for.
Igiss says: Martin, you give them a finger, they bite off your arm.