Well, I DO RP, I heard often that people liked it. I had been invited to 5 different Factions, yet though never joined them.
I am an Independent, I like it that way and I would not even have the time to do it different. Furthermore I like my Big Ship. I play it exactly within the restrictions of the ID.
I don't want it to be nerved because of a boon flood.
Now, Some spoke of SRP's. .... They can't mean that honest. Have you ever filled out an SRP? The admins don't bother how much RP you do on the server. The only thing that counts are forum posts and flooding the forums is not the sign by which you can discover a good player. Writing a characterbackground in the forums is it neither.
The sign by which you discover a good player is his/her roleplay on the server and therefore a characterbaground in the forums is obsolete, it just has to be there in the players mind.
Now, I do not have much time, but though I could achieve my big ship by hard work and cooperation.
Therefore I state:
Leave the Balancing as it is right now.