SOURCE..................................................Planet Hamburg, Hamburg system
COMM ID.................................................Detektiv Thomas Wolthers
Gut day Polizei Oberkommando,
hier ein quick overview about mein patrol two days ago
01: Outcast Falcata in Hamburg
I encountered ein lonesome Outcast in Hamburg system. As I was not sure of his intentions I ordered
the pilot to leave Rheinland which he at first listened to. But after some time I met the same pilot in Hamburg again. Upon my second try to throw him out of our Vaterland, he attacked me...but he was not match for me: ****
02: Escorting IMG transports from New Berlin to Omega-7
Continuing mein patrol in New Berlin system I intercepted and investigated ein IMG convoy loaded with Berylioum Ore. The ore was unloaded at Dortmund smelter. As soon as the miners returned to Omega-7 I escorted them back to Freistadt: *******
Der rest of mein patrol was rather uneventful so I returned to planet New Berlin.