You all know how much a hate Forum's?
and you all know how much i Loath having to use them.
But to some on here and see THIS DRIVEL, Really annoyes me.
Generalisations are indeed sometimes True. the =CR= will sometimes when faced with a battleship or a spam of cruiser's against two or three fighters will run.
Again it is true from time to time when the "Owner's" of the battleships/cruisers make it Very obvious through idiotic lolwuttery OORP, OOC Etc.. comment's on their traders, yes, they get ganked?
You say why not take screenshots of such thing's and report them?
Why bother getting all frustrated over one evening of being pvp ganked/sworn at/etc and then ruin that person's game for X ammount of time?
i mean, we all swear? skype, in genneral when something bad hapens in life? i mean of course i am am not supporting any such actions.. just stating there is no actual point in sanction's. in the many faction post's i see on skype channels or alike-[like this thread came to my attention with a sanction report] it was all a joke to the one who posted it ? This to me states that it isant even because of rule breaking the sanction report was even posted, its simply because that sanctioning somone for many it seems is a "+1 and lol".
This is pathettic.
With reguards to all of you in the thread above..... your all a perfect example ofthis right here.
Oh.. and you think i am one side'd? I Hapily RP both sides, and hear the absolute Horse manure from both sides.
but then again, for most out there, when has it ever been about the RP ?
Pinkeh out..
Completly agree, since Rp is mean to get to pvp, if there was no pvp no one would play this game.....