Scoffing at the answer he shakes his head, his free hand suddenly snapping forward, catching the other man in the gut, it obviously wasn't meant to seriously harm him, but it would help him focus on Ben.
"You cannot help them by dying for them, idiot..." he mocked, shifting the pistol underneath the man's chin, allowing him to move closer until he was close to the man's face. "You can help them by surviving combat and seizing the day, there is a saying, History is written by the victors, if you die in combat than your foes can paint you in a negative light, fabricate evidence that you do not have the people's best interests at heart" He clarified, removing the pistol from the man's neck and aiming it towards the floor.
After a moment's thought Ben gently set the pistol on the desk and took off his glasses, folding them up and setting them beside the pistol.
"You want to join the Coalition?" He asked while popping his knuckles. "Than show me your will to survive and win the day for the people..." He said, with that he quickly closed the distance and lashed out towards the other man's chest with his right hand in an open-palm thrust. His test of will had just started...