Although i'm no position of power i am forced to throw 'both' my personal feelings, OORP and inRP, due to reading the evlution of this argument.
InRP wise.. I do feel that the way the Kusari Emperor acted was, to say the least, bordering on the injustice. We (were/are) allies and for that matter a civil, no fingers pointing, discussion to reach the true circumstances involving this whole 'Ame-chan cabbage throwing' incident should have been done by both parties. The destroyer started to throw battle razors at us, completely unprovoked and after the second round of shots, all hell broke loose.
OoRp.. The reasons the why i was at Kusari and called for backup when i was at Kyushu was the ones in my post. Almost 50% of our ore convoys encounter pirates on their voyages. We just simply go ahead, tell the convoys to hold and engage and destroy said pirates. After seeing the firepower that went to Kyushu and then to New Tokyo, i thought that they were just another pirating group and called for the backup.
Now.. this whole mess, because it is a mess, was created by several. I don't know the oorp dealings or even the inrp sometimes. I'll stick to what Panzer decide because.. It is my job and duty. InRP and oorp. To follow the leader, no matter what it brings. Because if you go against your leader, inrp and oorp, well, that's asking for creating reasonable doubt about you and i don't want that in my rl life or ingame.
And i concede to the valid point that both faction leaders should have discussed the whole incident.
Yeah, i got more, but now, it's not my place to talk or decide.
I leave that for the big ones.