I think you've got it wrong Kuthumii, really wrong.
Let's brake it down to reality facts.
Kusari has Council of the rising suns.
Representatives of every lawful and quasi lawful factions in Kusari are there
We are there to set aside our differences and improve Kusari as well as advise Emperor on how to push on with certain issue. After all, he is our emperor and Kusari is our place to operate in, we have to make sure he makes good judgement calls.
Since everyone but LoTek has voiced on this matter (and that involves some KSP and KNF second in commands), I am sure LoTek will not defy the entire council. Besides, we think alike there. Thats why Kusari works.
We should ofcourse wait for LoTek's input, and we will, but idea of Zelot forcing me to do something or making a important decision without asking the Council is just funny.