' Wrote:I absolutly agree with that from a gameplay standpoint, I would go as far as to say that New London would be hard to operate in as well. From an rp perspective, the Corsairs have Cadiz in O-5 to work from.
That is a good point, too. I suppose it would depend then. There's definitely a difference between the area of Cambridge near NL and the area near the Omegas, too. A lot of NL would be an issue, too, though, yeah. I don't know the specifics of what this was originally related to either.
So I'd say the common areas of activity would be, due to allied bases, Edinburgh, Manchester, Newcastle, and Leeds. Dublin also holds a lot of interest, due to Samura and Kishiro activity.
Though with that in mind, I've always had good experiences with the BDS and wish they were around more. At the least, when I had a GC, they were the majority of good RP interactions I had.