"Aye, tha'd be the three of us an' the ol' Crime Boss. So... not only millions, but hundreds of millions? Be safe ta say you've got my ear."
Clif was pleased with the timing of Claymore's arrival. He'd be the one to pass the idea along, even if it meant being...
...He glanced over his shoulder and saw the, what was it, a dog-thing? Sirius was becoming more and more ridiculous every day. He sighed and decided that it just wasn't worth caring. The two were obviously too busy with themselves to cause problems aside from shedding, and Alcatraz wasn't known for its cleanliness.
Another quick look at the man in black assured Clif that everything was still in the clear. He turned back to Claymore, "Right then, lay it on me if yer willin'. I'll do what I can ta get Sylpheed's 'ttention on it."