EDIT: A video of an emergency landing. Disregard the fact that i was ignoring half the ILS indications, and that the cockpit lights are off...
Falcon 4.0 Allied Force. Below average graphics, but stunning realism in avionics and flight model. I had played many flight "games" before... and my first takeoff in an F-16 resulted in a tail strike :-P
I'd rather not say how my first AA engagement ended.
Neither that my first OCA strike (Offensive counter air) against an enemy airport ended over the FLOT (Front Line Of Troops) because i was flying way too low...
Mental note: Do not ever fly under 16,000 feet when SAM and AAA are around you. Never. Ever.
Really, it's a great simulator. But do not get scared at the manual: it's about 700 pages. And i'm almost sure after reading it... you could turn on, take off, navigate, and land, in a friggin' real F-16. And most likely would be able to shoot some weapons at some targets, too.
Quote:Also there's a game called Lock on: Modern air combat. I
I read opinions from fanatics of flight simulation who described it as a game in which AI could pull huge G's turns, and do impossible ones, completely ignoring physics. Is that still true, or was it fixed? Plus they complained about its lack of realism in certain aspects related to avionics and such.