' Wrote:Took some time to read all of this , really you boys were busy.
Fourtly , this is for those that said we are staying in the Tau 23 system more then in the 44. Well , interaction , in the Tau 44 is nothing that can bring the traders , only IMG indies that came to buy ships or gear and now , we should stay there and bore to death ?
ok well, yeah, 44 is dead. But guess what, there IS a way to change that you know?
You got bases in there, POPULATED BASES, thats not just for warship production.
Why not try score some deals with a trading company to delive you stuff you need? KoF, USI, RepEX, Kishiro, ALG, Ageira/DSE.
Also, zoners have HUGE trading factions. Like i suggested in my former posts.. get the heck outta the taus and make some friends. As it is now your acting like the AFA did for a while... Camp Shikoku>New Tokyo gate and kill/pirate the crap outta every non-kusari transport. RP was kept at minimum, or even in some cases powergamed.
There are "endless" possibilities to roleplay with your neightbours. You did, for a while, RP in Minor/Delta, why did you stop? All i see, of colonials, is you running your mining transports to New Berlin, with enough escorts to even make a cruiser unable to kill that transport before it reaches its goal, sitting in tau 23.
This example is innacurrate due to the fact that FL Comp aint showing the server item prices (yes, all prices, names, and such is decided server side).