I need a signature for my Liberty Navy character, Rachel Baker.
submissions should include the words "Liberty Navy" the name "Rachel Baker" and her rank of "Lieutenant Commander" (can be abbreviated to Lt. Cdr.)
should also have, a black haired woman, preferably dressed in a militant way if possible, with a planet in the background, maybe add a Guardian into the background as well, though that's not necessary.
Also: pictures used to represent the character do not have to be real people.
General theme of the signature should be, well....maybe give it's presentation a "Sci-fi" feeling, or maybe something "Militant"
and as a last bit, if possible a "Frost" or "Electric" blue tint to the image would be greatly <3'd by me.
Also: I know I probably sound a bit picky...but, I'm really not a harsh critic.
Anyone who submits something, even if I don't pick it will have my <3 just for submitting something.