I hate to do this but I have another black dot to add to your feedback, =CR=. You claim that you're not metagamers but your pilots act different. Today, after I pirated 2 miners in Tau-23, =CR= ships started to appear . I ran to Tau-37, than to Tau-39. It was impossible for anyone to find my route. I was heading to Tau-23 when I got a message in system chat. Something like this:
Quote:=CR=#####[44th]: *laughs*
=CR=#####[44th]: hmm...pirate...come out come out whereever you are
=CR=#####[44th]: or are you too scared ? like your friend
=CR=#####[44th]: tut tut
Now, please tell me... how could he know I was in tau-39? Simple... by looking at the players list and finding some targets. I have a different opinion of you, guys but members like this one ruin your ranks.
I didn't give you his name. If you really want it, PM me.