Well, if it was an in-RP call for help, I don't see much wrong about it. Last time I checked, the IMG and ourselves were friendly, and even if that weren't so, our policy is that any pirate activity is illegal activity, hence punishable.
If it was a "this guy pirated me, go take care of him", and then he goes off and does it - I suggest sanctions for the offender(s). (Not of the adminey kind, but of the factioney kind)
EDIT: After reviewing the current situation, unless there's a different story on the way to me, I conclude that the following happened:
Dutch's IMG indie who is in a group with a Colonial pilot gets pirated.
The aforementioned indie character contacts its Colonial friendly/ally, asking for assistance.
The Colonial pilot investigates the situation and hunts the pirate down.
Hands are clean.
If I've got it wrong, correct me with sensible arguments.
<span style="font-familyalatino Linotype">
<span style="color:#000000">All morons hate it when you call them a moron.