And here's a double post, not because I am spamming, but because I need the following statement to stick out of the crowd.
The following is not related, but if this proves out to have been wrong, then it is related to the current issue. In any case, here it is:
If any Colonial player is caught metagaming, rulebreaking, acting in extreme unsportsmanship, or doing conscious actions which embarrass this faction, send the precise details with the character name to yours truly or Baal, whom you know by the forum name Atreides2, and proper action will be taken, if it checks out.
Think of it like rule violation reports, only they are aimed at us about our pilots, follow, besides ALL the rules of the server, also any kind of action deemed extremely inappropriate, including heavy metagaming.
If they do something along the lines of anything that is punishable by the rules with a ban of any kind, especially harsh insults via swearing or on a personal basis, and you have my word that I'll do everything I can to get them kicked out of the faction, though that is not much in terms of official power, but is in the terms of nag power and the fact that I believe that deep down the leadership wants to set a good standard.
With the current score of obvious bad seeds in an otherwise good crop, I feel that this kind of action is necessary. Lately, we have been stepping up punishment for offenders, but I feel that we need to do it better and with absolutely NO exceptions.
Now, do note, however, that this is not a free license to start an all out OORP attack on our membership. I am being polite here, being fair, and trying to improve the ongoing situation, but do note that I intend to be without bias here, meaning that I will not actively seek out random punishment, nor will I overlook any evidence of 'crap that goes on'.
To the Colonial membership, there is a lot of good people among you, heavily outweighing the bad ones, which only enhances the importance of getting rid of the ones who refuse to adjust their behavior. Do not be angry at me, and do not feel like I'm performing some kind of personal attack against anyone. I want what's best for the faction and the Taus in general, and if it means that those who will refuse to adjust in the future have to go, so be it.
The end result, I hope, will be a rulewise and RP wise clean faction. How very naziesque of me, I know.
And at the server, do not think that by doing this I am stating that my faction is in such deep problems which, truthfully, are not much worse, or even worse, than a few other groups involved, but the difference here is that I am not ashamed to admit any shortcomings.
This is not a personal invite for your grudges and childishness to come out against this faction.
Also note that I will discard most messages containing obvious lies, perfidity, and targeted attacks at individuals. Feel free to be angry if you have the evidence to back it up.
Also note that I expect the truth, so note that when I realise that someone's lying to me, future PMs shall be binned.
Thank you very much.
Yes, I am aware that this will most probably backfire and that my PM box will either remain empty or filled with non-coherent drivel, but I hang on to hope.
Let the attacks and/or ignoring me begin.
' Wrote:Really now?
Last time I checked, yes.
Sorry for the double post.. That last one was being written for quite a few minutes. Oh wait. Now I realized what I'd written.:lol:
You know what I meant. Confuzzled.
EDIT referring to the lower post: I did.
<span style="font-familyalatino Linotype">
<span style="color:#000000">All morons hate it when you call them a moron.