no, as far as the conversation vent i can say, with proof, that he did not know.
[02.03.2010 19:38:12] Omar.Small: oh, and dont land at java
[02.03.2010 19:38:29] Omar.Small: you drifted away
[02.03.2010 19:38:29] =CR=IceHammer[44th]: Dont land on Java..? what ?
[02.03.2010 19:38:34] Omar.Small: tried to cruise after
[02.03.2010 19:38:47] Omar.Small: CR is NOT allowed to land on java by the IMG
[02.03.2010 19:39:00] =CR=IceHammer[44th]: that was a Simulation.. agread in PM.. No RP confliction i can dock here..
[02.03.2010 19:39:03] =CR=IceHammer[44th]: really?
[02.03.2010 19:39:05] =CR=IceHammer[44th]: since when ?
[02.03.2010 19:39:11] Omar.Small: since 2-3 days ago
[02.03.2010 19:39:15] Omar.Small: if you lad
[02.03.2010 19:39:15] =CR=IceHammer[44th]: is that IMG indies or IMG| ?
[02.03.2010 19:39:19] Omar.Small: IMG|
[02.03.2010 19:39:28] Omar.Small: and CR Panzer gave notice that no CR would land
[02.03.2010 19:39:33] =CR=IceHammer[44th]: i havemnt been here for a lil while, 2 secs please
[02.03.2010 19:39:56] Omar.Small: anyone NOT on the list is KoS the second they undock
[02.03.2010 19:40:37] =CR=IceHammer[44th]: well, i am un-aware of this, hents i docked..
[02.03.2010 19:40:51] =CR=IceHammer[44th]: i will just confirm on the IMG| skypechannel, as i am in there.
proof enough?
Make sure everyone learns. Do not try to trivialise everything people try to tell you.