Vladimir Nikolaievits Kuznetsov, the oldest in the family and the family's children were able to escape the slaughter, while his two sons and their wives were killed. Vladimir realized the best option for the children's survival (and the only one at that) was to go as far away from the communistifying world as possible. A trip to Mars was planned, but the lack of cash objected. They only got as far as Spain. As history indicates however, that was merely a temporary solution.
The family settled in, Vladimir Nikolaievits passed away, the children grew up and obtained a family and trade. The most notable and successful family member was Mikhail Kuznetsov, who fulfilled a role as the secretary of Spain's finance minister, therefore gaining huge influence, who even had his name changed to Miguel Romirez, to avoid the blames of communist affiliations. Decades have gone in peace, but that didn't last long as the inevitable war between the Coalition and the Alliance came to pass, the Coalition gaining the upper hand followed by a steady draw at first. They took Earth in a few years, Spain was to fall after the defeat of the Italian and French combined fleets.
Most of the Kuznetsov family, using the influence of Miguel Romirez could board an Alliance refugee transport heading for the Jupiter's moons. It is unknown whether their journey was concluded in success, as the Kuznetsovs or Sovoks today in Sirius the descendants of Aleksander (Sasha) Kuznetsov, the sole individual who was left behind due to the fact that he signed up in the Ejercito de Tierra, the Spanish Ground Troops and was tasked along with his comrades and a detachment of United States Marines to defend the city of Madrid against the overwhelming Coalition forces.