Well, I am a new to this server and I have to agree with the general sentiment expressed here.
Starting from scratch and then building your way up, takes quite a long time here. Especially, when you don't have any friends here to begin with and you don't know players on this server.
Before coming to this server I have played in a number of other servers which were not RP oriented like Discovery. In all those servers setting up one's character was much easier and quicker.
Now, I don't know how the situation was earlier here but certainly right now the economic system needs improvement.
I would support an increase in profits rather than a reduction in prices because for a player at the bottom of the economic ladder a rising income matters more than non-existent savings created by reduction in prices.
In other servers in which I have played,there is no such thing as a restart command. This command is very useful for a new player. But unfortunately, it takes a long time to move to a decent freighter and then to decent transport. I would say that if one manages to reach the transport stage then the going becomes much easier. However,in the beginning it is tough!
Something like a capital ship is an impossible dream in the beginning and rightly so, but that does not mean that the means to achieve one should be kept out of reach for many.
Also not all new players want a cap ship,some like me have tried them elsewhere and rather prefer to fly something else.:P
If it were to be tortuously difficult like it is now in making money, a number of new players would just give up and leave. And I suppose many do every day and many leave,even as I write this.