---) Your Name: Karl Raffan ---) Your Position: Miner ---) Current Date: 21-03-818 A.S.
-) Any Information you wish us to know: To confirm and Clarify Mr McClouds O.R.F. Report follows.
---) Your Name: Karl Raffan ---) Your Position: Miner ---) Current Date and Date of Operation: 21-03-818 A.S.
--) Ore Mined and Transported: Cobalt Ore --) Sale Price of Ore Mined and Transported: 10790 --) Sale Place of Ore Mined and Transported: Ingolstad Station, Munich
-) Name of the Miner: |ZoE|Under.Probation, |ZoE|Ban'Eyk -) Name of the Transporter: |ZoE|Ore.Runner -) Number of Runs Made: One -) Total Amount of Ore Mined and Transported: 3,600 -) Total Credits Earned: 38.844.000 -) Any Profit cuts: 3.500.000, Piracy by ProjectX Paid for |ZoE|Ban'Eyk -) Total Credits Sent to Bank: 8.844.000