was trading today as scruffy, and met up with four nova guys, who all started chasing me.
I made it across tau 31, and tau 29, thought I went through the kyushu gate first, but they where on the other side waiting.
fortunately, i have a VIII armor reinforcement in my TRAIN, and managed to get docked before they were able to destroy me.
and i commenced to taunting them, they were saying i would die for what i did. They expected me to undock just so they could kill me?
I dont think so.
then one of them claimed I was non rp'ing in chat....which surprised me.
i thought i was.
I'm a law abiding citzen, only carry legal goods, then allways heaving over so the military can scan etc, etc.
twice now i was accused of non rp chat, and behavior.
lets see now, they started chiming that i was gonna die.
so i stuck my tongue out at them. : P
then after I docked they claimed I was gonna pay for that, so i said,' poor baby'
then i got the blast that I wasn't RP'ing in chat.
so who is the one to tell me that I wasn't RP'ing in Chat, what did you guys expect me to do?
I never think of pictures, so no i dont have any.
I only started this char yesterday or the day before. and allready have 60 mil.
I dont think i did anything wrong, just upset me that I wasn't playing so they could benefit???
So where is the Rule where I have to die to complete RP?
my taunting PIE RATS is not RP chat?????
It irritated me, so i logged off, and came here.
Yes im still docked, take money away, I'll just re earn it.
wont move until I hear from admin.
too bad too, cause i wanted to finish this run so i can take care of Real Life Stuff.
scruffy out
yours david
Finity's End - Trader From CJ Cherryh's 'Station Wars' series.