pipsqueak even if you have docked you dont F1 out you wait till you are time/idle kicked then change to a new char.
What i saw on those SS was that you forgot to mask the players that had nothing to do with the insident.
Scruffy the console message is a automatet message telling who on the server is admins not who are online.
And now close this tread as it is not going to solve anything, it is close to be a flamepost now.
Lets resume what happend.
A trader escaped some pirates and docked. then in system chat some words were exchanged that was a bit OOC. Then the trader put it here, And now alot of players have replyed, We got some SS showing some of what was sayed but i guess we havent seen the whole, so let it rest here and start all over. this do not help the individual trader nor do this help the Pirates.
so for all parts on the server lets end this here and look forwards.
I am not a native English Speaker, so i make grammar errors.
But it annoys me when people make silly comments about that... especially brits who for the most part can't speak their own language let alone anyone elses!