Prelonged and severe Ion storms have prevented our search for Hunter continuing these past two days but I have been in communication with captian Barnes of the Waratah throughout this time and I have gained a worrying insight into the way TCG are prepared to operate. Although no doubt Colonel Kell as well as myself remember speaking with Barnes aboard the gunboat McCool during the incident in Alaska some time ago, he denies ever having been there. Not only this but he has made threats towards me, saying that he will have me listed as infested by Nomads and that continued probing into TCG actions and conduct will result in violence from TCG pilots.
I have made it clear to Barnes that his so far empty threats will do nothing to discourage me and that any unwarrented violence will be recorded and used as evidence against him to be presented to High Command.
Until evidence comes to light that we can use to at least bring the TCG into line I suggest that Preserver Network operatives steer clear of confrontation with TCG personel.
If they are in any way hostile or their conduct does not befit agents of the Order then record the events and bring it to my attention so I can continue building a case against them.
Good day.
-End transmission-
Quote:Dublin Miner: I am Gallic admiral earning money in Bretonia.