I actually -really- like this thread and agree with the sentiments of the original poster, and not because I'm friends with him.
Some of you might know that I used to have a Slave Liner, that I roleplayed with quite considerably much, some of you may also know that this very same ship was one of my favorite characters, as well as my primary source of income, and believe it or not, it takes a crapload of money to maintain just six characters, all in fighters/bombers.
I didn't mind the Slaves/Cardi route, I usually had fun with it and I usually made a decent profit with it, then -somebody- ****ed with it, messed it all up and made it less profitable. Is it still profitable? sure. Do I still want to spend 20/30 minutes flying through pirate or house territory, getting raped sideways for what it's worth now? No, no I don't.
This is not the only route that was previously worth large amounts of money that is now not worth as much be it money wise or time wise.
I've had Miners, I've had Slavers/Smugglers, I've even had lawful traders and my current trader is quasi-lawful.
It got to the point where I had to start selling ships (And not to other people, but going in game, flying to a station and selling ships) because I was so strapped and desperate for cash to maintain the few characters I have, because of the economic crap, in this game.
The economy, both lawful and unlawful, needs to be revised and fixed, for goodness sake, give people some incentive to -want- to fly these routes.
The powers that be want people in game to explore, they want people to not stick to one area, to see every area, the best way to do this is trading, you want us to trade to make money to fund our own ventures...
Then you take away the profit of certain routes, and what? people wonder why when people start complaining about the Disco economy?
Just make routes profitable again.
Oh I know there's routes out there that are profitable if you bounce all over the place i.e
Take this good here, then take that good there, then go here and there and to this place and that place and at the end of an hour you'll have a bajillion credits!
-why- do we have to do that, just to make a decent amount of money?
There's just absolutely no incentive to make people want to do that, other than making alot of money.
Also: On a side note, I think the largest amount of credits I've ever had at one time in my entire time here, was around 600mil, and most of it was given to me by somebody who left Disco and gave me their stuff...
Another addition: I don't normally complain about the way that things in game are managed by the powers that be but...this is one thing I think definantley needs a major fix.