' Wrote:in light of your arguments (appart from those where you don't make enough cash when only RPing traders:P) I shall adjust my opinion on that matter: I still think that its fair game to earn those 30-40 million an hour when trading alone. However, making mining more efficient (40-50m$/h - similar to the profits of the old diamond-niobium run) thus encouraging people to socialize more and get to learn the rules faster by being introduced to the community earlier, might actually be the best course of action.
How fantastic it is, to live in a timezone like mine where over 9000 of my friends are online at the same time.
Anyway, mining should be closer to 60 million per hour, and that should be after it is split between all the people involved in the act.
Note: I do not agree with your trading alone profit.
' Wrote:Since when do poor people get the best RP?
This does not make sense. Do you mean rich people? If not, please explain this.