"Pilot carrying this ID has declared himself or herself lawful and neutral towards all factions. Neutral ID owner cannot attack other players (self-defense is allowed). Other players should not attack ships equipped with Neutral ID anywhere except clan systems and Connecticut arena system. Neutral ID owners cannot join any factions, except factions that are neutral themselves.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters
Carrying unmounted IDs in your ship, as well as not equipping an ID, is a serious crime."
You can trade all you want with the neutral ID and not be worried about being attacked by anyone, unless you are in a faction's home system ("anywhere except clan systems.") For example if you are smuggling in Reinland and the RM scan you, they can attack you if it happens in New Berlin or Braunswieg. Outside of those two systems is merely their ZOI, not their home system so they would not be allowed to attack you in systems like Dresden, Hamburg or Frankfurt.